You will need to enroll in our new platform for your online banking. Please click on NEW USER REGISTRATION and follow the prompts. If when you are enrolled and you have problems, please email Dawn at and let her know exactly what the issue is, the time it occurred and a screenshot, if possible.
We are happy to announce starting May 1st we will be offering debt protection. This will replace credit life, it offers more levels of protection for you to choose from. Everyone who has an existing loan with credit life will be receiving a letter and form(s) in the mail. Please read the letter and return the forms with your selection of coverage and signed to Dawn as soon as possible. There will be a self-addressed envelope in the mailing or you may drop them off to Dawn at the credit union. We are looking forward to this new coverage for our members.
Open up a Pee Wee Account for your child or grandchild today. Call WPFCU to find out what you will need to open the account.
After you create your new login account you will click on "Account Login". Always access your account from Wolf Point Federal Credit Union's home page, Do not save the log in page to skip this step, as it can cause problems and lock you out of your online banking